Adding Signatures in Preview with Lion
/One of the myriad new features in OS X Lion is the ability to digitally add a signature to a .pdf document using the Preview app.

The process is very straightforward:
- Open the .pdf in Preview.
- Click the Annotate button in the toolbar.
- Pull down the Signature drop-down menu.
- You can then create a signature with your Mac’s built-in iSight camera, or add a signature you’ve used before via the “Manage Signatures…” option.
- If you’re creating a new signature, simply hold up a piece of paper with your signature on it so that your autograph is on the blue line. Click Accept when it looks good in the preview window.
- Finally, just click where you want the signature to appear. You can then move and resize it however you want.
For me, the hardest part was writing down a good version of my signature. Unfortunately, since Preview doesn’t improve one’s legibility, this took several hours. But, if you’ve already got your signature down, you’ll have your .pdf signed in a minute or two.
Farewell, hellish fax machine.