Andrew Marvin's iPhone App Roundup: The Second Screen
/My iPhone’s second screenLast week, I wrote about my iPhone’s home screen. This week, I’m going to talk about the secondary apps that live on my second screen. These are apps I use regularly, but perhaps not daily.
I keep the App Store on my second screen because I regularly check for app updates and periodically browse for new apps. I keep the App Store and Settings apps in the upper left- and lower right-hand corners, respectively, because I feel like that’s where system apps should go.
I use 1Password for all of my login needs. It helps me maintain a very high level of security across all of my online accounts. 1Password generates random passwords and remembers them for you, so all you need to remember is your Master Password. Once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you ever surfed the web using the same password for every account. Read more about why I use 1Password here.
Pastebot is a great utility from the makers of Tweetbot. It’s a clipboard manager that gives you much greater copy-and-paste functionality, including the ability to copy-and-paste to and from your Mac. Very handy. Watch the demo on Tapbots’ website.
Clear is the latest craze in the to-do list app market. It features a beautiful and innovative design and allows for quick list creation and management. I use it to keep track of books I want to read, gift ideas, and to-dos for this website, among other things. Read more about Clear in my review.
Guitar Toolkit is my pocket guitar tuner. I’ve tried a few different tuning apps, but I always come back to this one. In addition to the tuner, it features a chord library, scale diagrams, a metronome, and more.
Instapaper. I’ve written about it before. It changes the way you read by allowing you to save webpages to read later. My love affair with Instapaper has only deepened since I began integrating Yojimbo into my online reading workflow. Marco Arment, Instapaper’s creator, just realized version 4.1, which features exquisite new fonts. Get on it.
I love my Kindle, and having it sync with the Kindle app on my iPhone and iPad is very convenient. Unlike iBooks, I can read Kindle books on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Kindle, and my reading position syncs over Wi-Fi. Most of my reading time is spent on the Kindle itself, but the iOS apps are great for squeezing in a few pages on-the-go.
I love Instagram, and I’m sure you do too. Not much to say about this one. I keep it on my second screen only because I don’t share every picture I take on Instagram. Hence, Camera app on my home screen, Instagram on screen two.
Quotebook is a gem you may not know about. It’s a quick and easy way to keep a database of quotes, and you can also share them directly from the app. You can tag, rate, and organize your quotes as you see fit. I currently have 314 entries in my Quotebook, and I haven’t found a better option for cataloging little bits of wisdom.
Byword is my text editor of choice on the Mac, and the new iOS apps allow me to write seamlessly across all of my devices. It’s reliable, functional, and super pretty. See my long-winded review here.
Maps. I use it to go places. I kept Maps on my home screen for the longest time and only recently decided to move it to screen two, but it feels right so far.
I peruse Settings semi-frequently for various reasons, none of which will interest you. Most often I use it to toggle the Show All Music option for the Music app.
And that’s my iPhone’s second screen. You may climb down from the edge of your seat. My third and final screen consists mostly of folders containing apps I only use occasionally. If I decide it’s worth your time, I’ll write up another post next week detailing some of those apps.
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