A Word About QLE's RSS Feed

Hello, friends.

You may know that Google is shutting down Google Reader on Monday.

If you're subscribed to this site via Google Reader, you'll need to explore alternative solutions.

For my part, I suggest making sure you're using QLE's direct RSS feed URL to read the site so that your subscription continues unabated.

Speaking of which, my thanks to all of you who continue to endure QLE's virtual dormancy while my professorial career is still in its infancy. Please know that I think about the site every day and have no intention of ever permanently deleting it. Subscribing is still the best way to keep up with me and my various endeavors.

Thank you for being here.


Once More Unto the Breach

My friend Richard J. Anderson has a new year's resolution:

New Years Resolutions are stupid, and almost guaranteed to fail. Yet, here I am on the last day of 2012, making a resolution, and backing it up with a big, public post on the Internet. That resolution is that I will be posting to Sanspoint every day—or at least every weekday.

For a good majority of QLE's first year, I committed to publishing every weekday. I still don't have a definitive sense of how worthwhile an endeavor that was.

Publishing every day is hard. Motivation comes and goes, and it's often difficult to detect whether or not you're wasting your time. Yeah, yeah, "writing is rewarding even if no one reads it," but that doesn't mean spending time and energy on a piece and not getting a peep in return isn't demoralizing.

To its credit, I believe daily publishing helped me establish a small reputation in my corner of the Internet. I may have even helped a few people. I also believe that, when it comes to writing, quantity begets quality, so I certainly don't regret it.

The eminent Jason Rehmus in a letter to Patrick Rhone:

Publishing a new piece each day isn't an end, but it's simply a path, maybe even just a small part of your path. Even if you don't publish one day or one week or one month, you're still traveling on the path in front of you. Choosing to write every day is a decision to set yourself in motion instead of staying still. An object in motion can change direction more easily than one at rest.

Shortly after QLE's one-year anniversary, I got a job teaching English. While it's been incredibly rewarding, it's also afforded me little time to write blog posts. I felt guilty about that for a long time, but as Jason says, it's all part of the same path. Writing or not writing—time still moves forward.

I don't believe in publishing for publishing's sake. I've written every day before; I know I can do it. But I will not allow my site, which I love, to become a source of stress because of some promise I made on the Internet.

I don't want to replace "I feel bad because I haven't written anything lately" with "I feel bad because I have to write every day."

So no, I'm not resolving to keep any sort of schedule here just yet.

That being said, I do miss the thrill of publishing and the camaraderie of my online colleagues. Thus, I am resolving to write. I resolve to write what I want, when I want, in the hopes that what comes out will be something I wanted to produce, rather than something I was obligated to come up with.

In no way do I mean to discredit guys like Patrick and Richard. They're both far more brilliant writers than I, and I have no doubt they'll produce quality insight on a daily basis. I look forward to reading it, and you should too.

Publishing every day is something every writer should consider at some point. I did it, and it was rewarding and worthwhile. For now, though, this is what works for me. And we should always do what works for us.

Have an extraordinary 2013. See you soon.


One thing's for sure: the longer you go without writing, the harder it is to start again.

And you feel like the only proper way to end your blogging sabbatical is with a brilliant, mind-blowing post heralding your return to the Internet.

But waiting for such brilliance to arrive takes forever.

So, hello.

Teaching has been great, but it's obviously forced me to put my digital life on the back burner. I've missed it.

I've been thinking about how best to resume things around here, and while I've yet to arrive at a firm conclusion, I thought it better to stop waiting for the perfect solution.

I spent almost a year posting something here every weekday, but I've deemed that schedule to be no longer sustainable. I mean, I could do it, but I'd prefer a renewed focus on quality. We'll see what that looks like.

If you're still here, thank you. I've been gone a long time, and I feel bad. This is an icebreaker.

When Harmony Returns

My cohost, Sir Jeffrey Inscho:

Things have been crazy. Transition surrounds. Time and attention are at a premium. Sleep is a gift.

Life will settle shortly and balance will return. It always does.

Please forgive the infrequency of activity here. Something had to give. Andrew and I hope to be back on the airwaves next week and posting will commence again when harmony has returned.

My thoughts exactly. Teaching is going very well, but it's taken up a large amount of my time and attention.

Hang in there with me. QLE will wake up again soon.

Thanks so much for your patience and readership.

Introducing QLE 2.0

Today, I'm pleased to reveal version 2.0 of Quarter-Life Enlightenment.

QLE has always been lovingly powered by Squarespace. Over the years, I've made many attempts on many platforms to build an online presence, all of which ended in frustration and abandonment. Squarespace is the only service that allowed me to create a website that looked exactly the way I wanted. The ease and fun of building QLE 1.0 encouraged me to populate it with my own writing. I found my place. No other platform has helped me build something beautiful and then gotten out of the way so that I could do the work I love.

QLE 2.0 is built using Squarespace 6, which was recently unveiled as a completely new product independent from the already awesome Squarespace 5. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that it's an incredible service. Squarespace 6 is powerful, gorgeous, and fun to use. I recommend it to anyone looking to build a professional online presence.

You'll notice a few changes in QLE 2.0:

  • An all-new design, courtesy of Squarespace 6's wonderful templates.
  • The site title is now set in Hero. Headers are set in Bitter. Body text is in Open Sans. Please note that fonts are subject to change.
  • The Start Here, Who?, and Contact pages from QLE 1.0 have all been merged into the Colophon.
  • The ZenGeek Podcast has its own link in the navigation bar.
  • Metadata, including dates, categories, and sharing options, has been moved to the bottom of each post.
  • You can now Like posts on QLE. Simply click the little heart icon in the bottom left corner of a post. Try it. It's fun. You'll giggle.
  • The sidebar is now on the left and has been updated to include the push-up counter for August. You'll also find the QLE VIP Mailing List sign-up form there, followed by links to me elsewhere on the Internet.
  • The search bar is now at the bottom of the page.
  • Squarespace 6 supports external linking. Because of this functionality, I'll be featuring the occasional link to something I consider worth your time. Link posts will be denoted by a "»" symbol to indicate that clicking will take you away from the site.
  • The site's favicon will remain unchanged for the time being in memory of QLE 1.0 and until I make a new one.
  • Squarespace 6 features ultra-fancy responsive design. Be sure to visit andrewmarvin.net on your mobile devices.

As with any new release, we're not without a few rough edges, and I'll be ironing those out in the coming days. If you see anything broken or offensive, please let me know.

I hope you enjoy the new redesign, and as always, thank you for reading.

Thanks for reading! Want more? Grab the free QLE Manifesto. Perhaps follow me on Twitter. Need something? Email me.